Saturday, June 11, 2016

Honor Your Mother

Mothers are wonderful. Nothing in this world is as pure as a mother's love, nor as devoted. There is something sacred and holy about the care a mother gives for her children. Sadly, sometimes children forget that their mother is more than a free source of food and work, but a human with a soul who has emotions and trials of their own. No mother is perfect, but we should not expect them to be.

What is more disheartening is when children grow older, leave their mother, and then decide that they now have authority over her to judge and condemn; or worse, blackmail and extort by withholding familial bonds. Throughout Scripture we find that we are to honor our mothers, without question or doubting. We are never called to judge or preside over them, we do not have the right to do so, no matter how high and mighty we may feel we have become. We have no right to tell our mothers what to do. God forbids it. Even if they are wrong, it isn't our place to tell them so.

The Solomon in his wisdom said that dishonoring your mother is shameful. (Proverbs 19:26) Proverbs also states that such a man should have his eyes gouged out by ravens. (Proverbs 30:17) Even Jesus, whom we know for his loving forgiveness said that a son who speaks evil of his mother deserves to die.  (Matthew 15:4) Proverbs gives us a detailed description of the man who would dishonor his mother. (Proverbs 30:11-14)

Yet I know men who profess to be Godly, that think it is perfectly acceptable to disown their own mother because they don't like how she handles her personal health. They seem to think it is a good motivation to withhold her grandchildren so they can make a point. This is evil behavior. Never should a Christian have to tell another Christian that treating your mother this way is wrong. It's wicked. Jesus says that anyone doing this deserves death. Jesus never minced words. He forgave prostitutes, thieves, even the very men who killed him. But when God came down to earth, He said that people who do this to their own mothers deserve to die. 

I must say, I dare not disagree with God Almighty.

May God have mercy upon your soul. 

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