Monday, October 14, 2013

Absolute Goodness?

Often we as Christians assume that when we are faced with a decision there is one absolute perfect choice. We believe that our choices can be ranked as good, better and best.

But is this true? Can all choices be ranked like this? As easy as this would make life, I do not believe this to be the case. I do not think that there is only one perfect answer in every situation. I believe there to be multiple best answers that are all equally good. Now I am not trying to say that we can assume that whatever we do is right, but we would be wise to realize that there can indeed be more than one perfect answer.

How can I be so bold? Well, lets take a look at God's choices. The first thing to consider is that He indeed mades choices. We see references do God's decision-making throughout the Bible. We know that Jesus often chose things in a manner that may seem arbitrary and random. But chose God does. If God is also perfect and absolutely holy then any decision made must also be both of those things. The fact that He has more than one thing to choose from shows that they meet His criteria, namely, perfection and holiness.

But what if there is only one perfect choice? Well, then God is confined to only making those choices, this means that He would have no Freewill. If that is true, then it follows that God has less choice than you or I, less choice than my cat, and less choice than anything He created. That would also mean the things He created had more power than He. This does not make sense, in fact, it flies in the face of what we understand about God.

So what can we apply from this information? Well, we know that there are multiple best answers. As such, we should be very hesitant in judging people we do not understand. We should be unwilling to assume that people who make different spiritual choices are automatically 'less holy' or 'less spiritual' than we are. It is very important that we do not assume that our understanding of perfection is the only accurate one. Many Christians condemn others assuming that their best must also be another person's best as well. This is not our place. Our preference and ignorance should not be our guide in evaluating other people's Godliness. If we doubt someone else's faith, we should do what we should always do; bring it to God in prayer, and act in love.


  1. You have not posted anything for 2 weeks...what going on?

  2. Christmas Skit, cold, and some school backlog.... I have a few drafts that I'm working on but nothing I'm ready to post... But thanks for caring. :)
