Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Two Toned Testimony

I was reading a few cartoons by Jeff Larson from The Back Pew just a minute ago, and came across this one.

This describes our Christian walk far too well at times. We try to minister and bring the Gospel to people that we do not treat according to Godly principles. We forget that Jesus first preached repentance, then the Sermon on the Mount, before telling his disciples to go and make disciples.

So what do I mean with this? Do I mean to imply that we should not witness? No, I am saying that we need to make sure that our interaction with people shows the love of Christ before we attempt to minister to them. We need to remember how Jesus interacted with people, how He loved them and was concerned for them. Too often we 'witness' to ease our conscience; it has nothing to do with a burden for the lost.

We need to be consistent testimonies with our lives before we can affect people with our words. Not that long ago, I saw a flyer advertising weight loss coaching. There was a picture of a rather large man that was displayed prominently. I assumed this was a motivational pic, but it turned out that this was the 'weight loss coach.' I had a hard time taking the ad seriously because it looked like the man needed what he was selling. I don't mean to be rude, but frankly, if you can't do it for yourself, than it is doubtful you can do it for others. 

In the same way, people will view our Christian message. If we live lives that are not Godly and righteous through God's grace, than people would naturally assume that we do not have God's spirit. It is tragic, but true. We bless God and curse our neighbor. James talks about this in the third chapter of his book as well. We can see that the early church had the same problem. What does James tell them? Stop. This cannot be so. It needs to end.

How can we stop this? Well, James gives us that answer too. We cannot. Its that simple. It is impossible for us to do this. What does that leave us with? What kind of encouraging answer is that? Well, it is the foundation of Christianity. We cannot do it; only God can. And He will, provided that we come to Him with empty hands and a humble heart. We cannot assume that we are even close to good enough in this regard, or in any other. However, God's grace is amazing, He will help us, He will stand in for us and renew us, if only we admit that we cannot and never could. We have to let go, and let Him do His work within us. This is true of our daily walk, and also of our ministry to the people we interact with. Once we let God work through us, He will guide us in our evangelism as well.

Now, this is not a one time thing. This is daily, a denying of ourselves and an admission to God that we need Him to do it through us. That is the core of Christianity. It starts and ends with God.

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