As you can see, being Santa in the modern world is impossible. A myth of man. But wait a second, wouldn't many an atheist say the same thing about God? People have gone to great lengths to prove God doesn't exist, and He is far more impressive than Santa. Should we be worried?
"What's the point?" you may be asking yourself. Well, the point I'm making is this. As funny as the list is that was posted, and as true as it is, scientifically speaking; I don't think anyone was offended by it. We all know Santa doesn't exist, so we wouldn't care if someone else believed it. Do you spend your days complaining about the people who are 'dumb enough' to buy into the Santa schtick? I doubt it. So why are there people who get so upset that we are 'dumb enough' to believe in God? Who spend their lives trying to prove the lack of existence of God? They don't do this with Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, or the Tooth Fairy. So why do they pick on Christians? If they really believe what they say they believe, (that God is just our imagination, He was the creation of needy people) then why are the kicking the crutches out from under the needy? If God doesn't exist and we need Him to are they not just being cruel? Why does it matter to these people what we believe?
Because, unlike the Tooth Fairy, we are all programmed, deep in our souls, to worship God. They are right, we DO need God. Why? Because we were made that way. Atheists get so upset because in every human there is a need for God. They are trying to deny that need. We don't need the Tooth Fairy. (Santa would be handy though) But God, Eternal and All-Powerful, is the very reason we exist. Try denying something your body needs- water, food, air- soon your body will obsess over nothing but that one item. Our souls work the same basic way. They try to deny God, and the need for Him consumes them and leads them to obsession.
But why do they care what we believe? Isn't it enough for them to be 'above us' that they can just ignore us? Atheists care what we believe because, if (or more correctly since) we are right, there are consequences they will not escape. Their obsession with the lack of God needs to be shared so that we can verify that they are right. They think that if enough people agree with them, that it must be fact. That is very flawed reasoning. If that worked, then Mitt Romney would have won the President Election (at least here in Texas) because that is what people wanted to have happen. They really believed it. But belief in the incorrect does not make it true. Eating a dozen cookies and imagining that they won't have any calories doesn't help, even if all your friends believe it as well.
So what should we take from this? Well, for one, now that we know a bit of what goes on in an atheist's head, we should be able to approach them with love a bit better. If we cannot do so, than it is not worth anything. We should always strive to use our knowledge to better serve God. That applies to this as well as anything else we learn.
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