As a father and as a teacher, I'm amazed at the selective hearing that children have. They seem only to hear what they want to hear and will try to 'misunderstand' things in order to get to do what you clearly told them not to. It can be frustrating as the adult to correct this behavior.
God has to deal with us 'misunderstanding' things too. Two rules can be side by side, but if we want to defy His rules we find a way. Here's an example, but just for fun, I'll switch it with another command and see how well we understand the rule if its reapplied. Here's basically the re-written argument I've often heard.
As a Christian I carry a
condom handgun with me at all times. Now I know God forbids
adultery murder, but I keep it just incase I need to
sleep with someone kill someone in order to save my family. Sure, no-one I personally know has ever actually needed their
condom handgun, but you never know, these sorts of things happen on tv all the time. I would never willingly
commit adultery kill someone, but I like the feeling of power that it gives me knowing I could if the situation presented itself. When I get together with other people who carry their
condom handgun, we talk about how good it is to be prepared and how manly it makes us feel to have it just in case. In our free time we share videos of people describing how
adultery self-defense isn't illegal in this country. Sure sometimes we aren't sure if its right to be waiting for a chance to commit
adultery murder, but then we imagine a situation where the only way to save everyone is to
sleep with shoot some stranger.
Isn't it strange how we try to justify murder but condemn adultery? We seem to be really clear on one rule, to the point of making half the sermons that young people hear about one, yet the other we try to ignore and even justify.
Secondly, I find there are two things Christians tend to carry with them at all times, ready to use if the situation might ever call for it: a handgun or a Bible. I find it interesting how many Christians have no issue sending a stranger into eternity, yet would be scared to explain eternity to a stranger. How is it that we care more for our lives than another persons soul? How have we gotten to a point where carrying a gun is not just normal, but expected and assumed by those followers of Christ who used to die for their faith? Is this what Christ desires of us? Are we being selective hearers?
What do you think?